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  • Supports integrity of the gut lining by fueling intestinal cellular growth and connective tissue formation
  • Promotes growth of good bacteria crucial to gut health
  • Promotes healthy intestinal secretions
  • Ideal for use with Vitalyze and Acidophilus Complex, to support healthy candida balance


This formula has been designed to offer specific support to the integrity of the mucosal membrane of the gut. When the intestinal barrier is poor, commonly due to inflammation, stress, medications, or fungal overgrowth, undigested particles pass through into the circulation, often resulting in immune conditions and inflammation.


Cells of the intestine use glutamine as their main fuel for growth. Glutamine therefore promotes cellular regeneration and repair of the gut lining, including gastric ulcers.


N-Acetyl glucosamine supports the formation of the connective tissues lining the intestinal tract, the synthesis of gut mucosa, and the growth of good bacteria.


Gamma oryzanol acts as a potent antioxidant. It reduces inflammation and helps to regulate the stimulation of gastric secretion.


Phosphatidylcholine (sometimes referred to as lecithin) is a key building block of membrane bilayers.

NutriVital L-Glutamine

SKU: 21554345656
  • Per Daily Intake:

    L-Glutamine 250mg
    N-Acetyl glucosamine 150mg
    Gamma Oryzanol 50mg
    Silica 20mg
    Soy Lecithin 10mg
    Vitamin E –natural (freeze dried) 10mg
    Ascorbyl Palmitate 4mg
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